Diabetes Management in Pregnancy

Type 1 or 2 diabetes and becoming pregnant

If you have type 1 or 2 diabetes and hope to become pregnant soon, it’s very important to optimise your blood sugar levels before and during pregnancy to boost your chances of having a healthy baby.

We can work closely with your doctor or specialist to look after you. You may need to monitor your blood sugar levels more closely – we can help you devise a plan for monitoring your levels; and also educate you and your family on how to interpret and act on those levels. We can also refer you to other expert allied health members, like dietitians or exercise physiologists, who can tailor a nourishing meal plan and show you some safe ways to exercise during pregnancy.

monitor blood sugar levels before and during pregnancy

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RAPID Conference Day 2

Psychosocial Aspect of Diabetes (PSAD) Study Group Research Accelerating Psychosocial Innovations in Diabetes (RAPID) Conference Copenhagen, Denmark, Day 2 30th November 2022 After a delightful

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